


Colours Audio VG1 is based on the famous classic VCA compressor from the 80s. Just like many others, we really like using this classic VCA compressor for drum buss or master, but this time we decided to use it for tracking. It worked really well with tracking, but controlling it wasn't a very convenient process, nor was it possible to use 2 channels separately. It inspired us  to split the buss compressor and add some additional features to the compressor control.

After a series of tests and experiments we've added the following:

  • Wet/Dry control
  • Soft/Tight Knee
  • High Pass Filter for Side Chain
  • Pot For Attack
  • Pot for release
  • Extended Ratios
  • LED meter for a better reading accuracy

Then we decided to add color and depth to the sound and our new compressor gets a discrete opamp with the output transformer. In addition, we added a link button for being able to control two VG1 compressors simultaneously and to use them as a classic VCA buss compressor.

VG1 PCB kit include:

  • Two Printed Cicuit Boards (PCB)

VG1 Partial kit include:

  • Two Printed Cicuit Boards (PCB)
  • Front Panel
  • L Bracket (Chassis)
  • Srews and Stands

VG1 Full kit include:

  • Two Printed Cicuit Boards (PCB)
  • Front Panel
  • L Bracket (Chassis)
  • Srews and Stands
  • All electronic parts

 VG1 Documents

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